The Longest Puzzle

Russell Froehlich
1 min readAug 13, 2022

Some five years ago I installed a chess app (this one by Vintolo) on my iPad. I thought it might be fun to play now and then.

So every so often, mostly when flying, I’d fire up the app.

My favorite way to play is puzzle mode. In puzzle mode, you get these little scenarios where you try to make the one side win in two moves, or something similar.

Puzzle 1, puzzle 2, puzzle 3… I slowly but surely worked my way through the first few.


Puzzle 15.

I’ve been stuck on this one for close to five years.

And I refuse to google the solution.

Or click the hint button.

Would rather be stubborn than cheat.

But five years!!!!!

Until today.

I finally solved it.

Your Turn

If you’re curious, or just want to show off your superior Chess skills, here it is.

You are white.

You can win in two moves.

It’s your turn.



Russell Froehlich

Curious. Cornhusker. Computers. No letters. No credentials. No fear.